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Happy Thanksgiving!

Writer's picture: Jennifer Noel WilsonJennifer Noel Wilson

Updated: Oct 3, 2021

Oh 2020! You were so unexpected. You have brought so many difficulties and challenges, tested me to some of my limits and overwhelmed me. But today and every day, I want to focus on What God is doing. He is still King of kings, He is still on the throne. He has a plan, even in 2020. He is still who He says He is. From the little things (most of our appliances breaking this year, our well running out of water due to a drought and the well pump breaking) to the big things (not seeing family as much, teens not being in school and mental health, people getting sick and dying), God is still Sovereign.

We started a tradition a few years back at Thanksgiving to write down things we are thankful for. Sometimes we wrote them down on a pumpkin and called it our thankful pumpkin. Pick a place or an item to make a list with your family this year of all the things God is doing. What have you learned this year? Ask your kids too! God is at work, we just need to open our eyes to what He is doing.

This year I am thankful to have spent more time together as a family. God has shown me new strengths and weaknesses in myself as well as my kids. My husband and I have learned new ways of parenting and grown as parents. God has opened my oldest teen’s eyes to new spiritual things and growth. He has held my middle accountable and grown his creative side in amazing ways. I have seen my youngest have an amazing attitude, patience and flexibility. I am thankful for God providing water over and over again through the drought. I am thankful my family and extended family has stayed healthy. I am thankful for time to sit and be still. I am thankful for the time I have had to connect more with old friends (virtually) and so much more. God never ceases to amaze me, even in hard times.

Stay focused on who God is, friend. God, You are Sovereign.

“For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:16-17 ESV


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