2020 has been a challenging year. I find myself getting caught up in my emotions. So, I sat myself down to dig deep into God’s Word where I know I can find healing. God’s promises always console me. There are trials and tribulation in the Bible too, BUT GOD is always there. His promises are still true today.
We are afraid, but God comforts us and calms the storms. (Ps 23:1-6, Mt 8:23-27)
We are confused, but God gives us peace and wisdom. We just need to trust Him. (Pr 3:5-6, 1 Cor. 14:33, James 1:5)
Chaos ensues, but God is good and holds all things together. (Romans 8:28, Col. 1:15-17)
We are anxious/worried, but God provides and gives us indescribable peace. (Mt 6:25-27, Phil. 4:6-7)
We are depressed, but God is our stronghold. He turns our mourning into dancing. He picks us up out of the pit and sets our feet on solid rock. He weeps with us and promises to wipe every tear from our eyes and bring us hope. (Ps 9:9-10, 30:11, 40:2, John 11:35, Revelation 21:4)
We feel weak, But God renews our strength. (Isaiah 40:31)
We are frustrated, but God calls us to be still. He will fight for us. (Exodus 14:14)
We are lonely, but God promises He is always with us and gives us the Holy Spirit. (Mt 28:20, Jn 14:16-17)
We are exhausted, but God invites us to come and rest. (Mt 11:28-30)
So here are what I’m calling my “But God’ moments for 2020:
We went into quarantine, our family business and the whole country shut down, But God gave our family more time to spend together resulting in bringing us closer during lockdown.
Kids could no longer go to school and see their friends, But God provided a way. A way to still “see” everyone and learn through virtual learning. Lots of giggles from my daughter and her friends on zoom. They even found games to play!
Band, sports and all activities were cancelled, But God allowed time and space for my children to create. From painting, leather working, engineering, and building a bridge over our creek and more. I’ve never seen so much creativity come out of them before!
Our summer beach vacation to Disney got cancelled, But God took us on a different vacation in an RV to explore His beautiful creation.
Birthday parties were cancelled, But God brought a bunch of amazing people in a parade, to encourage and bring celebration!
Band was nearly completely shut down. No concerts, no competitions brought much despair. But God, provided a couple virtual competitions, an amazing percussion director fighting for our teens, and award-winning performances with my son on his snare!
What are your “But God” moments for 2020? Remember, in what seems like chaos, God is still in control. He has a plan and He is good. He loves you so much that He died for you. He holds you in His mighty, loving hands. Reflect on how God has been there for you this year. “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 ESV
Share your “But God” moments in the comments. I’d love to hear them. Let’s encourage each other. Go in peace, friend.
God, You are good.
If you are like me, music encourages and lifts my soul. So, I’m sharing one of my favorite songs by Big Daddy Weave, Alive. Listen here: https://www.godtube.com/watch/?v=YGD6WPNX
Here’s a pdf of God’s Promises for you to print and hang up as a reminder.