I love the hope of spring! Even though we range from winter to summer to spring weather here in the midwest, spring brings the hope of warmer weather and more sunshine. When my kids were little, my favorite thing to do was get them outside playing and exploring. This verse constantly came to mind,
"4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:4-9
We would get out the big wheels and bikes, go for walks and look for God sightings. God's creation and beauty is all around us. We would point them out and thank God for His many blessings.
Here are 20 things you can do with your kids this spring for fun and for teaching them more about Jesus.
Make your own Trail Mix
(Recipe in my spring newsletter)
Go on a walk and point out God sightings. Where do you see blessings from God? Where do you see God at work? (i.e. the flowers blossoming on the trees)
Make a Treasure Box (out of a shoebox, wrap with your favorite paper). Place items that remind you of God from your walk in the treasure box.
ABC Picnic: Pack as many items from the alphabet that you can. Then practice your ABC's as you eat. (ex. Apple, Banana, Carrots, Dessert, Eggs (boiled), Fried chicken...) Talk about Genesis 1 and all that God created.
Write encouraging notes & Bible verses with sidewalk chalk for others to see when they walk by.
Write a letter of encouragement to a family member or friend.
Collect flowers to give to a neighbor.
Invite someone to Easter service at your church with a handmade invitation.
Memorize a bible verse.
Splash in puddles and thank God for rain.
Make a prayer jar to put prayer requests in. At dinner each night, pull out one paper and pray for that request.
When you see a rainbow, talk about how Noah followed God and how God created the rainbow as a covenant.
Create a jar of blessings. Write down a blessing or two every day and place in the jar. At the end of each week, read them aloud over dinner.
Have kids put on a skit from a Bible story.
Capture bugs, take photos, release them, and make a bug photo album. Label the bugs and some fun facts about them. Talk about how God made bugs.
Check out a book from the library about an unfamiliar animal. Draw a picture about the new things you learn. Talk about God creating the animals.
Write a story or poem about spring.
Talk about God’s creation. Using play dough, sticky sticks (or other craft item) make your favorite things God created.
Get away from screens and create a “brain box.” Place games, coloring pages, books, and other activities in the box. Pull it out each day and let kids pick what they want to do. See my Family Activities page for free resources coming this spring.
Decorate and write blessings from God on stones to place around your house outside. When you see them day to day, you will remember what God has done.